Whar is Cherry-Pick ?

Cherry Picking in git is a way to include a small hotfix in our code very quickly and smoothly. For example you are working on a branch called sign-up , webpages loads perfecly and interacts smoothly with the database but doesnt load a new page when a person signs up. Your buddy “Kaustuv” working on another branch called paginate finds the solution to it and merges that as a commit in his branch. So instead of being a layman and copy pasting his solution you can use cherry-pick to integrate the changes made by james’s commit into your branch

How to use it..?

First we need to find SHA-1 for Kaustuv’s commit. For that we need to be in his branch i.e. in paginate. So make sure we are in paginate

git checkout paginate

Next we check the commit history and find the appropriate sha-1 for hotfix(life saving commit)

git log


We copy the appropriate commit SHA-1

Lastly we come back to our branch using checkout command and use godlike cherry-pick commmand

git cherry-pick <SHA-1>

Voila! we have successfull merged the solution in our branch with some mean observation and three lines of code. Thanks to Kaustuv


Beware of cherry picking more than one commit you might have to solve a lot of uneccessary merge conflicts and it will be an overkill. So be smart.