It has been sometime since I wrote something. Grad school has kept me busy. But I am back now . Here in this short post I would like to outline my favourite magic commands. The word may sound misleading but it indeed is no less than magic. These commands are provided by the IPython kernel and come in handly especially when there is plotting and data work involved. They also can help us to get an estimate of the code complexity.

Magic Commands


This is my goto magic function. This command outputs all the available magic functions in the Ipython-Kernel. A very good bet if you have want to find your favourite magic command or have a bad memory in general.



A very useful commands when one wants to run and display the output of another Ipython file. This is useful in data analysis work when we would like to display the visualization code written in another file.


%matplotlib inline

As the name indicates this commands enables matplotlib in our jupyter notebook. It will make your plot outputs appear and be stored within the notebook.



This is an interesting magic feature. It shows how much time program spent in each function alongwith the number of calls made.



This function serves as a quick shortcut when we want to work with matplotlib and numpy both. It makes the following imports :
